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  • What future for Europe? Nordic-Baltic Churches Meet, Prepare for CEC General Assembly With the Participation of the Volos Academy Director, Dr. Pantelis Kalaitzidis (27/03/2017)

      On 16 and 17 March in Reykjavik (Iceland) representatives from Conference of European Churches (CEC) Member Churches in the Nordic-Baltic region gathered for the first in a series of regional consultations leading to the 15th CEC General Assembly in Novi Sad (Serbia) in June 2018. Those gathered contributed to the discussion on the future of Europe launched last year in the CEC Open Letter and analysed the issues it presented from...

  • The Theological School of Halki: the Vision for the Next Day (14/03/2017)

    On Saturday, March 11, 2017, a public lecture, delivered by the His Eminence Metropolitan of Bursa Elpidophoros (Ecumenical Patriarchate), Abbot of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity and Dean of the School of Theology of Halki on the topic “The Theological School of Halki: the Vision for the Next Day,” and organized by the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in cooperation with the Holy Metropolis of Demetrias, was successfully held in Volos, at...


    "A feast of joy and gladness is revealed today " (From the Praises in Matins on Sunday of Orthodoxy) Your Excellency Mr. President of the Greek Republic, Your Grace Archbishop of Athens and All Greece.    This present day is considered a day of joy and triumph. Joy and triumph, not a religious dogma against anyone else. Neither a worldview at the expense of another.     Today, what is honored, is man himself in his...

  • The Pannichida Holy Mass (23/02/2017)

    The Metropolitan of Demetrias Ignatios shall take part at the Pannichida Holy Mass, on Tuesday 28/2, at 6.00pm, in the church of Saint Dimitrios of Volos. The head chanter will be Mr Dimitrios Katsiklis, head chanter in the church of Christ's Assumption of Volos. The Pannichida is a very old and interesting Holy Mass, evening prayers, used mostly in Constantinople until 1204 and in Salonica city until the times of Saint Simeon the Archbishop of...

  • Human Support of the "Crossified" Imprisoned Association to the female prisons of Elaiona, Thiva (18/02/2017)

    The "Crossified" Imprisoned Association gathered and sent a human support to the female prisons of Elaionas in Thiva. In this prison are hospitalised 490women. Furthermore, young children are hospitalised, because they live with their mothers. This is a very sad situation, inspite of the efforts of the prison department. The "Crossified" gathered about 90 boxes of female, child, baby clothing, shoe and toys.

  • Meeting of traditional dance choruses in the Conference Center of Thessaly (15/02/2017)

    On Sunday 12/2, fourteen traditional dance choruses met in the Conference Center of Thessaly. At the meeting, Mrs Katerina Ntonti - Gkanetsa spoke as representative of the Metropolis Dance department. Our Metropolitan Ignatios also spoke, thanking everyone for the nice evening experience and expressing his joy for the meeting. Representatives of all the choruses danced, and a dinner followed for the 400 participants.  

  • Account of the Christmas "Love Collection" - Taste Contest between "Peace Homes" (14/02/2017)

    More than 600 volunteer ladies who help at the "Peace Homes" of our local church, in which our brothers and sisters who need economical assistance can find food every day, where gathered at the Conference Center of Thessaly on Monday 13/2. At this meeting event the account of the Christmas "Love Colection" was announced. About 82600€ where collected this year, in order to help people who are in need. Despite there the great economical crisis of...

  • Honours to the Orthodox Martyrs who suffered and died under the German occupation - memorial prayers for the Metropolitan Damaskinos (05/02/2017)

    In the church of the Christ's Assumption took place the Holy Liturgy in which a memorial prayers followed, for the remebrance and praying for the Orthodox Martyrs who suffered and died under the German occupation. Our Church also honoured the Metropolitan of Demetrias Damaskinos Chatzopoulos, who was also captured and imprisoned an these inhuman prisons from 1942 to 1945, when he got released. At the Holy Liturgy took part our Metropolitan Ignatios...

  • One year functioning of the Social grocery - Almiros city, Parish of Saint Nikolaos (03/02/2017)

    The parish of the Saint Nikolaos in Almiros celebrates one year functioning of the social grocery, which aims to support families with economical difficulties. It supports about 40 families, with supplies given by people of Almiros city and the income of the church charity fund.

  • The Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Christodoulos in "Archontariki" TV series (11/4/1999) (28/01/2017)

    Watch the 11/4/1999 episode from the TV series "Archontariki", an interview of the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Christodoulos, by the Metropolitan of Demetrias Ignatios (ET1 National Greek channel, in Greek language).

  • Nameday of our Metropolitan Ignatios - Honor to fr Konstantinos Migdalis (26/01/2017)

    On Sunday 29/1, our church celebrates Saint Ignatios Theoforos and it is the nameday of our Metropolitan Ignatios. On Saturday 28/1, at 6.00pm at the Cathedral of our Metropolis Saint Nikolaos, the celebrating Holy Vespels shall take place. Our Metropolitan Ignatios is programmed to take part and make the holy preach. During the Holy Vespels, the Metropolitan will also pay honor to the priest father Konstantinos Migdalis, by giving to him the Gold...

  • Copy of the Holy Icon of Panaghia Dochiaritissa to Efxinoupoli (25/01/2017)

    A copy of the Holy Icon of Panaghia Dochiaritissa will visit the church of the Virgin Mary in Efxinoupoli. The Holy Icon is programmed to arrive on Friday 27/1, at 5.00pm, while a rich program is going to take place. Friday 27/1/2017 5.00pm Welcome of the Holy Icon   Saturday 28/1/2017 7.30am Orthros 5.00pm Vespels   Sunday 29/1/2017 7.30am Holy Mass 5.30pm Vespels - Holy Icon Departure During...

  • 4th General Hieratical Conference - Family violence victims (20/01/2017)

    The 4th Hieratical Conference shall take place on Tuesday 24/1 at the Conference Center of Thessaly. This year's Conferences refer to the Apostole Paul. The first speaker is Mr Chris Karakolis, professor of Theology at the Theologian Department of the Athens University, with subject: "The teaching of the Apostole Paul about justice". Second speaker is Mr Dimitrios Karavasilis, Theologian - Teacher, writer, with subject: "Apostole Paul: Pattern of...

  • The "Crossified" Imprisoned Association supports families with heating fuels (13/01/2017)

     The "Crossified" Imprisoned Association supported 7 families that could not afford to buy the heating fuels for keeping them warm. The Association managed to supply with food, clothes, shoes, bedcovers, heating fuels, medicine. Thanks God, there are many brothers and sisters of ours who support our church and charity Associations, and so people who have problems find a shelter.

  • Synaxis of the Honorable Forerunner at Anatoli of Agia (07/01/2017)

    On January 7th, 2017, the feast of the Synaxis of the Honorable Forerunner, at the Holy Monastery of the same name, at Anatoli of Agia, took place the service of the rassophoria of the novice Garyfalia Vastianou during the Afterfeast Vespers! In the midst of a snowy landscape which prevented access to the Holy Monastery, in the Old Katholikon of the Honorable Forerunner, in which such feasts had not been celebrated for decades, in the presence of a few...

  • The Conference Center full of children voices (03/01/2017)

    The usual new year's event for the children of clericals, chanters, and our local church's servants took place on Monday 2/1, in the Conference Center of Thessaly. The Conference Center got full of children and their happilly voices. Our Metropolitan Ignatios blessed the new year's cake, and a very interesting musical event followed, under the guidance of the musician and storyteller Maria Gkogka. Presents were given to children from the...

  • New year's present by the Police Forces to the Imprisoned Association "The Crossified" (30/12/2016)

    The Hellenic Police Forces of the Magnesia prefecture supplied the "Crossified" Imprisoned Association with an amount of money for the blessed aims of the Association. This money was gathered from an art exhibition, implemented by a police officers team, at a Christmas event. The money was given to the president of the Association fr Theodoros Mpatakas, by the Police Brigadier Ioannis Tolias.

  • Second Christmas Holy Mass at the Volos church of Christ's Assumption (23/12/2016)

    In our Metropolis, a second Holy Liturgy will take place in the church of Christ's Assumption, in order our brothers and sisters who will not be able to attend at the main Holy Mass, to take the opportunity and take part at the second one. It will start at 9.30am and end at about 11.30am.